This last Tuesday our Scouts began their 2 week SCUBA class with
Scuba Ted's in Springville. I had 11 boys sign up (5 priests and 6 teachers), plus 4 adults (John Petersen. Jed Gordon, Kurt Davis, Robert McDaniels). We has a total of 15 in our class. We were told that 4 others signed up to start classes that day, but then another Scout Crew signed up and they added them to that day also and they had another 6 or 8 boys. It was the largest group Scuba Ted's has ever had in the pool at one time. They had enough instructors so that there was one for every 5 - 6 people.
I chose to stay out of the pool because the chlorine was burning my eyes just standing on the edge and I figured that they had enough help. Tonight is their second class and they will be finished and ready for our Sand Hollow trip by the end of next week. They will be completing their Open Water dives in Sand Hollow Resevior mid June.
So far we have 20 people going on out Sand Hollow trip. The 15 that are taking the class right now plus, ME, my brother, Matt Clyde (he's going to be our camp cook) and John Billings. Almost everyone in the ward that is certified will be going down and diving with us.
It's going to be the best High Adventure yet!