That could suck your brains out!!!
What would possibly be the purpose of that? I'll tell you that I am not among that sick 1/3. (I know that you were wondering:)The only reason I can possibly imagine for this CRAZY behavior is that they still need to go but the toilet is too full? I dunno.
It's called a "Courtesy Flush" people. I do it so I don't have to smell it as much! Then you wipe your bum...It works.
courtsey flush for who? How many people are in the bathroom with you when you are dropping a duce ?(as Zack would say). Mine doesn't stink it smells like roses.
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That could suck your brains out!!!
What would possibly be the purpose of that? I'll tell you that I am not among that sick 1/3. (I know that you were wondering:)
The only reason I can possibly imagine for this CRAZY behavior is that they still need to go but the toilet is too full? I dunno.
It's called a "Courtesy Flush" people. I do it so I don't have to smell it as much! Then you wipe your bum...It works.
courtsey flush for who? How many people are in the bathroom with you when you are dropping a duce ?(as Zack would say). Mine doesn't stink it smells like roses.
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