Saturday, April 12, 2008

Useless Fact - 4-12-08

FACT: 1/3 of all Americans flush the toilet while they are still sitting on it.


Jana Nielson said...

That could suck your brains out!!!

Hey It's Di said...

What would possibly be the purpose of that? I'll tell you that I am not among that sick 1/3. (I know that you were wondering:)

The only reason I can possibly imagine for this CRAZY behavior is that they still need to go but the toilet is too full? I dunno.

Petersons said...

It's called a "Courtesy Flush" people. I do it so I don't have to smell it as much! Then you wipe your bum...It works.

Angel said...

courtsey flush for who? How many people are in the bathroom with you when you are dropping a duce ?(as Zack would say). Mine doesn't stink it smells like roses.