I chose to stay out of the pool because the chlorine was burning my eyes just standing on the edge and I figured that they had enough help. Tonight is their second class and they will be finished and ready for our Sand Hollow trip by the end of next week. They will be completing their Open Water dives in Sand Hollow Resevior mid June.
So far we have 20 people going on out Sand Hollow trip. The 15 that are taking the class right now plus, ME, my brother, Matt Clyde (he's going to be our camp cook) and John Billings. Almost everyone in the ward that is certified will be going down and diving with us.
It's going to be the best High Adventure yet!
It'll be fun as long as no one inflates your BCD or pulls your regs out! Good luck with that little hellion.
That pool water looks a little yellow to me.....I'm just sayin'...
Where in the world is Sand Hollow? I'm thinking it sounds like a good time to go toilet paper some Scout Leader's homes!
Oh, I am just sooooo proud. My boy, the scuba diver. Great work on that one...you set a goal and have achieved it. Sounds like the ward young men are having a great time. Is Matt a chief yet? Sounds fun!! MUM
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