Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MMMM Bacon.

Today my dreams came true when I was reading gizmodo.com, one of my favorite gadget blogs, and saw this thing of beauty. Canned bacon! There are 40-50 slices per can. That should be enough bacon to re-create my breakfast with the characters at Disneyland in post apocalyptic America. You could probably keep zombies at bay with this too.

It's a little more than $9 a can, but you have to buy a case, but that's nothing compared to power you will have over others when you possess tasty bacon after the world ends.

MREDepot (109.95)


Petersons said...

Hmmm...okay then. Weirdee...

Lynsey Lou said...

Ok like you we will want bacon when the world ends. You are a wack!!!!

Hey It's Di said...

I am so glad to read that WASN'T liquid bacon, like as in a drink! That's all we need is carbonated bacon!

Neil said...

What will they come up with next? Wieners with cheese in the middle?
Some people get jazzed over the funniest things. You're funny!!
At least you are thinking about your home food storage. I can just see it now....shelves of canned bacon. mmmmmmm....MUM

Jana Nielson said...


That is all I'm sayin' about canned bacon!!!!

Jana Nielson said...


this is smith evanthough it comes up as lola