Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mo's Bacon Bar - Chocolate and Bacon together at last!

Not too long ago I was hoping that someone would take the two greatest flavors on earth and combine them into one uber-tastey snack and lo-and-behold, someone did just that. Chocolate with Applewood smoked Bacon. mmmmm

It tastes like you eat a hand full of M&Ms then throw in some Bacon bits. It's almost like a Crunch Bar, but instead of puffs you get bacon chunks.

The best part is after you are done eating a piece of it and all of the chocolate has dissolved you still get a bacon bit or two emerging from crevasses in your teeth. It's like having dessert twice!

These are pricey though, they sell around $6 a bar, but it's worth it for the experience.


Neil said...

OH Yeah...I saw the looks on everyone's face while they had the chocolaty morsel in their mouths!! MUM

Joanna said...

EWW! I'm glad I didn't try it, because it sounds GROSS!