Monday, March 24, 2008

Useless Fact - 3-24-08

FACT: Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people.



Petersons said...

left handed people are better lovers. I know this for a fact.

Joanna said...

That was way too much info Amber...

Hey It's Di said...

And how would you know that left handed people are better lovers? The truth comes out!! She's had another lover!! khee hee!

Scott, why don't you start using your right hand instead of your wrong one and then you will live longer?

Hey It's Di said...

HOLY CRAP! It took me FOUR tries to get the little word verification right! YIKES!

Oh great! Hope it doesn't take another four!

Neil said...

Amber, my eyelids!! I have always considered Scott ambidexterous. You are aren't you? MUM