Nothing completes a trip to Park City than a package of Oscar Mayer Cheesedogs! I don't have stayed a night in that city without taking a package of these tasty morsels with me. Their cheese filled goodness is only enhanced by pouring salsa on them. MMMMMMMM!
Our weekend getaway with the kids was fun. We left on Friday evening and stayed at the Hampton Inn down by the outlet mall. A co-worker of ours had points and so we got the room for free (nothing beats free!). I couldn't sleep Friday night because I was too excited about scuba diving the next morning. I think I slept a total of 3 hours that night. I woke up at 5:30 and got ready for my trip to Bonneville Seabase located in Grantsville. I was going to meet Mike there at 7:30 so we could get some diving in before the classes arrived. I ended up driving slow and eating breakfast in Tooele because the trip only took an hour instead of 1 1/2 hour like I thought.
Once Mike and I met up at the Seabase we went in an rented the weights we would need to dive in the Salt Water pools they have. The guy helping us gave me 20-lbs of weight and said I'd probably be too heavy. He also gave Mike 20-lbs and told him he probably be light. Well he was right. When we entered the water Mike couldn't submerge. We got back out and I gave him 5-lbs of my belt then got back in the water to find out that I was now too light. I ended up going in and getting two 2-lb weights. we wasted about an hour trying to get the whole weight thing right. The water was very murky and we could only see about 4 feet in front of us. Our nice white fins were no help and we lost each other a few times and had to surface to find each other. We couldn't find some of the things they said were in the water like a sunken ship. They also told us that it was deeper than it actually was and we would smack into the bottom because we couldn't see it until we were kicking up silt. My weight belt almost fell off while we were diving, but I was able to grab it and get it secured quickly. We had fun though. The Seabase has a lot of beautiful fish and it was fun to see them.
I spent the rest of the weekend trying to recover from the dive. The kids were good and we were able to swim in the indoor pool that the hotel had. Avery liked doing "cannonbombs" and Mitch enjoyed swimming the length of the pool to impress the girls there.
Amber enjoyed sleeping, since that is her favorite hobby. Anyway, the kids are already talking about "Deer Valley" and how much fun they are going to have with Grandma and Grandpa.